Janelle Andreini sits across from a female student in the Career Center.
Major and Career Exploration

Contact or visit us

Career Center
Roy G. Story Student Center, Lower Level
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68504-2794
(402) 465-2224
career [at] bj7dian.com (career[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Drop-In Hours (academic year only)
Resume/Cover Letter only
Tuesdays, 1 - 3 p.m.
Wednesdays, 10 a.m. - noon
Thursdays, 3 - 5 p.m.

Major and Career Exploration

The first step in any journey is deciding where you’re headed.

The Career Center can help you explore your professional interests, identify possibilities, and plan your next steps. In addition, your career counselor can administer a variety of surveys designed to assess your interests and skills.

For more info on choosing a major, understanding your interests, and planning your college years, be sure to download and read through these helpful resources.

   Making A Major Decision

    4-Year Career Plan

     Career Planning Worksheet

       Explore Your Interests

Explore workbook


Engaging in self-assessment to understand your interests, skills, and values is an important step in making decisions about majors and careers. Click on the image, download the Explore Workbook and complete the guided activities to get started.

Explore Nebraska Wesleyan’s areas of study to see the majors and minors offered. You may also explore "What can I do with this degree?" links for Nebraska Wesleyan majors listed below.What can I do with this degree?

AccountingArtPre-Athletic Training
ChemistryCommunication StudiesCriminology
Data AnalyticsDigital MarketingEconomics
EducationEnglish and WritingExercise Science
Financial PlanningGender and Sexuality StudiesHealth and Fitness Studies
HistoryInnovation and EntrepreneurshipInternational Studies
MathematicsModern Language StudiesMusic
NursingPhilosophy and ReligionPhysics
Political ScienceProject ManagementPsychology
Public HealthSocial WorkSociology
Sport ManagementTheatre 

Once you've explored careers, use the Career Assistance Network to find NWU alumni who are working in your careers of interest. Our alumni love helping current students understand possible career options and you can easily follow our information interview handout to start a conversation.

As you explore these questions, know that the Career Center is here to help! Set up an appointment with a career counselor to help you navigate your career development decision-making. To schedule, log into Handshake, click on Career Center and then Appointments to arrange an in-person or online meeting.